Over the last few weeks, I have had conversations with various people about our current situation (how difficult it is to manage all that has been thrown into my life after my husband's spinal cord injury July 15 th ). Two people finished my sentence with "like this is not what you signed up for." They were trying to empathize, so I do appreciate their listening ear and sentiment, but this phrase has been just replaying in my spirit with such uneasiness. This morning, at 3 am, I finally woke up with it needing to get out, so here it is! I DID sign up for this. When I accepted Christ as my Savior and committed my life to His will, I signed up for this. When I accepted Scott as my husband, who is also a follower of Christ, I signed up for this. I signed up to be vulnerable, available, and committed no matter what obstacles would come my way. I signed up to be a servant, for Christ and my husband. Now, maybe I do not like the circumstances, but to give myself the thou...
We are all overcomers through Christ Jesus alone.