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This IS what I signed up for!

Over the last few weeks, I have had conversations with various people about our current situation (how difficult it is to manage all that has been thrown into my life after my husband's spinal cord injury July 15th). Two people finished my sentence with "like this is not what you signed up for." They were trying to empathize, so I do appreciate their listening ear and sentiment, but this phrase has been just replaying in my spirit with such uneasiness. This morning, at 3 am, I finally woke up with it needing to get out, so here it is!

I DID sign up for this. When I accepted Christ as my Savior and committed my life to His will, I signed up for this. When I accepted Scott as my husband, who is also a follower of Christ, I signed up for this.

I signed up to be vulnerable, available, and committed no matter what obstacles would come my way. I signed up to be a servant, for Christ and my husband. Now, maybe I do not like the circumstances, but to give myself the thoughts that "I did not sign up for this" is simply giving the enemy ammunition to make me believe that I don't deserve this, or that I am better than the circumstance around me, that I should have a backdoor plan B option to bail out, that I am not responsible, nor should I be held responsible for any of this. That is NOT of God, and I guess the lesson I would want my readers to hear would be this:

Be careful what you sign up for! You are NOT in control. We are at the mercy of God's will. All of us.

The good news is, because He is such a loving and God of grace, so omnipotent and amazing, when we obediently follow His ways and His Word, no matter whether we like it or not, He can do amazing things through those circumstances for us and others.

I write this lovingly, but boldly, as I just felt it needed to be said. After all, if the Holy Spirit is going to wake me up at 3 am, then I ought to share it, because it must be important to someone else too. God is no respecter of persons. He loves you just the same as He loves me.

May you find strength in Him as you continue on the journey He has set before you too. Don't bail out. Be strong and take courage in the Lord Jesus Christ! He IS your rock! He IS your refuge! His glory CAN be shown through you!

Rachelle :)


  1. Well said and totally awesome! You get it, and understand it Rachelle!
    Very happy for the progress Scott is making, and fully expect to hear more of the same as long as he keeps pushing himself. I do know what you're going through and I admire your strength, faith and support you're giving.

    Bill Heronemus
    Lewes, DE.


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