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Modern Day Abraham & Isaac Story - The Playground

We knew for Christmas we wanted to get our three children a backyard playset.  When a stranger donated $1000 to us for the holidays, we felt this was our "playground money gift" from the Lord.

I had the check in my purse.  We were on a routine visit for my husband's outpatient physical therapy.  Our family decided to go to the inpatient floor to see if we could visit a friend's uncle who we heard was there.  He had checked out already, but in the process the Lord orchestrated us meeting a different family.  We tried to encourage them, and in the conversation, I had picked up on a few key words the mother said about their needs.

When we left, I felt the Lord impressing on my heart that we should donate our $1000 to this particular family.  It sounded like they needed funds for food and gas while their 20 year old son was just beginning his journey of healing.

I presented this "feeling" to my husband and two daughters.  We stopped in the hallway to discuss the details.  Ultimately, we all concluded we needed to give the money.  Our six and eight year old girls were willing to use the whole check and put their playground on hold.

We had so much fun getting healthy groceries and cashing that check and going back to the hospital to suprise them. 

When we got back to the family, I let them know we had been blessed with some funds to purchase a playground, but after our initial meeting earlier that day, our whole family, including the girls felt the Lord speaking and the girls were willing to sacrifice getting their play center in exchange for blessing them with the $1000. 

The mother and bigger brother both started to cry.  It was then that she transparently told us that she had come that day to let her son know she could not afford to continue to come visit him in the hospital because she had not paid her car payments, did not have gas money, and was down to one can of food in the house.  The injured son, was speechless and staring, and said, "We always have done nice things for people, like give them what they needed when it was our last.  But, we've never had anyone do something like this for us.  It really shows me that it [God's ways] really works!"  I was so touched that God had used us to be His light to this family in a way that they saw Him!  Clearly, this was the LORD's work here and it was truly a joy for us to see this in action.

Amazingly, the children have gone three months since then, and NOT once asked for or complained about giving up their playground. 

So, yesterday, we were doing our budget, trying to find the money to try to purchase a playground for them again.  I had talked with a neighbor friend who was also looking for a playground for her three children for the last three months, only to have the sets get sold before they could get to them. 

In our search online, we found one that looked like a good fit for our neighbor.  So, we called them and let them know it was online.  After we looked some more and looked closer at the one we had told her about, my husband and I started to really like it as an option for our family.  I was conflicted about what to do, because it seemed wrong to call about it after we had suggested it to our neighbor friend.  Nevertheless, we had inquired, via email, about it along with many others.  Fortunately, we got a response that the set had already been spoken for and the other person was coming today to make the purchase.  So, I felt that issue was a nonissue.

However, late at night, we received another email that the other person had backed out and if we wanted it, we were next up!  So, by this time, we really did want it and so replied that we did. 

Today, we went to see it and make payment for it.  On the way home, we told the children that we felt we were at a crossroads decision because we had already suggested this particular playground as a possibility to our neighbor friend when we did not really think we wanted it, but then how all the circumstances worked out, we got it.  Even so, it seemed like betrayal.

Without us even having to give the scenario that we might want to rip this away from the children (who loved it and just played on it thinking it was going to be theirs), our eight year old daughter suggested that we give it to our friends!  Both daughters and my husband were completely and nearly automatically on board (once again).

Here are some of the amazing things the girls said as they reasoned this out with us:

-8 year old:  "If it's harder to give away, then it's a bigger and better sacrifice and God will just love it!"
-8 year old:  Even though it's hard to give it away, because we love it so much, it's the right thing to do.
-6 year old:  I feel like God's telling me to give it and we will get one exactly like it or better
-6 year old:  I did not know I was going to experience faith today.
-8 year old:  Remember when dad made the benevolence game, and you said you'd give up your house, your car, and your whole world - and you won't even give up your swing set? (she was talking to our 6 year old who started to waiver back and forth.  They had played this game on our 1 hour drive to see the swing set)
-8 year old:  If we give away that playset, then maybe we'll get a bigger, better, more sturdy playset. 
Dad asked:  Are you just giving up the playset just to get a bigger, better one.
8 year old replied:  No, because I like to give, it makes me feel good in my heart.  (It is an understatement to say that she truly was the epitamy of a "cheerful giver".  Excited, giddy, motivational, persuasive (to sister and mom who were waivering, etc).

By the time we arrived home, about an hour and a half later, we sat in the car and continued to debate. Mostly, this was me, because even though I KNOW we will get a return blessing(s) from the Lord, I was struggling because I have so much to do, and felt we have been so benevolent in this particular category and I just wanted to be content with this little $250 playcenter set.... and not pass it forward and then watch and see how we end up with something "bigger/better" later.  I told my husband it was not a faith issue for me, it was a fatigue issue.  I am tired and just want to move on to other things.

But, he encouraged me to see the bigger picture and that it was not about the playcenter, but about the training experiences our daughters are getting to be true givers, compassionate and thoughtful to others, and to watch God continue to work in our lives through our generosity to those around us.  We are building their faith stories.

So, we started the van and went to our neighbor friend's house to let her know the exciting news that we had bought them a playground!  She was going to get it for free!

Amazingly, she declined because she suddenly had received six replies to her ad (looking for one) and had more options than she knew what to do with.  It also sounded like there was a particular one that they had their heart set on.  So.... she thanked our family for "our kind hearts" and had to get in her van to leave (we had barely caught her)!
Our 6 year old said, "I knew God would give it back to us!", and she repeated her earlier statement that God had told her we'd get one exactly like it or better.

My husband made the analogy to the girls of Abraham and Isaac.  God knew our hearts.  We did not have to go through that process today for Him to say, "Now I know that you would sacrifice the swing set for me on my behalf."  But, He took us through that so that we would understand how much we love God and what we would do for Him.

Today, the faith of our children, and us, grew a little bit more. One thing I love about this story, is we walked the path that ultimately led to peace.  Peace in our home, peace with our neighbor friend (can you imagine how awkard if we did not offer and she did want it afterall but we got to it first), and most of all peace in my heart by setting it all out in the open and walking through it - no matter how painful.  Because, if we had not done that, then assumptions would have been made by me, and these could have been footholds for the enemy in my mind.

Thank you Lord for your leadings in our lives, for your faithfulness in our provisions - always!  Thank you for letting me "rest" with this playground. :)

-Rachelle 3/27/2011

My husband shared this story with a volunteer who comes to help him do his stretches and workouts.  He was so touched, he told his wife.... who was so touched, she told her sister in California.... who was so touched she mailed the kids $1000 for Christmas in Dec 2011.  You just CANNOT outgive the Lord.  He is moving amongst His children.  When we listen to the Holy Spirit, and obey His promptings, we share the love of God with the children who need to know He is real. :)


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