Many times the Lord will give me great pictures of His relationship to us. I sometimes cry, or smile, or just feel touched.... then my next thought is to WRITE IT DOWN. Most of the time, I either forget about it, or put it on my to do list --- which I never accomplish, and these sweet moments where God speaks to me (and I KNOW it could help others) get passed over and buried deep within my heart. Well, I sincerely want to share these things AND record them for myself and my future generations. So, today... before I do anything else, here is what the Lord showed me. I just cried immediately when He did it - it was so sweet. May you find comfort and blessings and most of all a relationship with Him if you do not presently have one. He is real, and He is your God and Lord and Savior too!
I was coming up to a stop light and noticed a man with a young boy getting ready to cross the busy intersection. My light had just turned red, and I was stopping behind the car in front of me, in the left turn lane. I immediately felt protective over their safety, and so I was scanning to make sure the intersection was safe, that the car had left enough room in the crosswalk, whose lights were on what signal, and where all the cars were.
I glanced at the father as he motioned for his child to start crossing the road with him. I am going to guess this child was either three or four years old, and he was riding his little three-wheeled push scooter across the road. It was clear the father was also scanning to make sure they crossed safely, and after just a few moments of them starting across the four lane intersection, it was evident that he did not feel it wise to allow his son to continue to cross the road with him trying to peddle on his little scooter - this was taking too long. Without any noticeable dialog, the man reached down, picked up his son in one arm and the scooter in the other, and hustled across the rest of the three lanes to get safely to the other side.
As the observer, I did not see any need to hustle as there were not many cars out, but as you know, timeliness in crossing the street is important (with right hand turns and unexpected drivers doing unexpected things), and so it was wise for him to hustle across. Even though there did not seem to be any reason for the man to pick up his son and force them across so fast, I imagine he perceived the possibility of danger, and therefore, quickly executed a decision to keep him safe.
Once he got to the other side, he sat his son down, gave him back his scooter, and they continued across a parking lot. As I was watching the little boy, push himself gleefully on his scooter, in front of his daddy, I started to cry. It hit me.
Before I came to the light, I was mentally in a conversation with the Lord regarding some issues in my life.
Well, when I saw this whole scene unfold in front of me, I heard, "Surrender. Sometimes I have to pick you up and do it my way to keep you out of danger, and then I'll set you back down and let you carry on in a way where you get to do it your way. But if you don't surrender, I cannot keep you safe. And, don't surrender kicking and screaming, just let me pick you up, carry you across, and then at the proper time, I will set you back down."
I imagine that little boy had no idea what was happening. In his little mind, he and his daddy were having an obvious outing and he was happily crossing the street, just like he was told to do, and then BAM! His dad picked him up, without warning, (the little boy was trying to hold on to the scooter) and carried him across, and only then did the little boy probably realize everything was okay when he got his scooter back.
Thankfully, that little boy did not throw a royal temper tantrum in the middle of the street or it would have been much more difficult for his father. And thankfully, his daddy was big enough and strong enough to handle him, even if he would have.
Can you imagine how big and strong God is compared to our biggest temper tantrums we throw when we are going along in our lives and suddenly we are picked up and disoriented. We did not see any danger coming. We did not do anything to deserve this kind of treatment. We have no idea why we cannot just keep going on the way we were going on. But, our Father knows, and He loves us and is constantly watching for our safety and our best interest. It's in His best interest that we get our best interest - because it all points back to Him and the kind of Father He is.
Surrender. Let Him pick you up and carry you. Don't fight Him. Surrender. He loves you.
"Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. " Isaiah 46:4 NIV
~Rachelle 4/7/2011 11:13am (a current day "Footprints" story)
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