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Pledge to Kick Satan Out

There has been a war in my mind,
and I have been losing.
The casualties are stacking up around me as
I allow the toxicity on the
inside of me spill out and
manifest itself around me.
No more!

This is an attempt to be armed with Truth, Christ, and the Word (all the same) so I can overcome over and over and over, and help those around me do the same.

Holy Spirit, you are my counselor. You guide me in all Truth (John 16:13). I set apart this time to write down the truths I need to remind myself of when I am weakened by the lies and deception of the enemy. The enemy comes in so many different ways and forms. It is in drawing nearer to the truth that the lies become more evident and will lose their power in my life.

Lord, your children are hurting desperately everywhere. We are ignorant in so many areas. We are blind and deaf to your Word and the true meanings hidden in your Word. Forgive us Lord for not diligently seeking You all the days of our life (that You have graced us with). I am drawing near to You Lord asking for Your direction for this blog. May you bring to mind the Scriptures You need me to write for my sake, but also for the sake of all who You will guide to this website. Help me be bold and confident to not delete this raw writing I am doing. May it be used for an aid to help those who don't understand how to connect with You, as a testimony, as an example of doing so. 

I know you are faithful to draw near to those who draw near to You. You tell us that in Your Word (James 4:8).


I am on to you.

You may think you have succeeded at "ruining" my past, but you have not. On top of that, EVERYTHING I have allowed you to pull me into in the past will be used for the glory of God. You own no copyright to any of it. It's public domain, and He will use it, because I am signing over all of it to Him to use as He sees fit. More people will see your schemes and will be set free before they are even entangled.

Yes, I have hurt more than I should have, cried longer than I wanted to, felt abandoned, alone, betrayed way too often. I have yelled, screamed, thrown tantrums, used foul language, entertained horrible thoughts, and even gotten angry at God. I've complained, murmered, lied (or should I say, answered too quickly without thinking), pouted, rebelled, and been purposefully lazy!

You are trying to convince me that
  • I am worthless,
  • that I've missed it,
  • that my life is ruined,
  • that I'll never fulfill all the dreams I've had in my heart since I was a little girl,
  • that my marriage will never be joyful and satisfying,
  • that my children are already too old to receive what I wanted to give them from the start,
  • that we'll never have the things we truly want,
  • that any good feelings I have are bad and need to be suppressed,
  • that nobody will ever want me as their best friend again,
  • that the Word of God could be just another fable or fabricated group of stories that man had to come up with to explain things,
  • that I will look like a fool if I start to pray out loud (or especially in tongues) and share my heart and communications with God on the outside,
    and I will make my children look like fools when they mimick what I do,
  • that our family will never have the healing we seek in our physical bodies on earth because either we are living in sin,
    or because we're not "perfect",
    or because we don't understand enough Scripture,
... and on and on you lie to me.

Well, I've had enough! Just like Mr. Incredible had to get that big machine to turn on itself so that it would be destroyed, it is time for all your lies to be exposed, and the truth of God's Word is going to bring them back on your head and get you out of my thoughts - which will get you out of my life! You have overstayed your welcome, and I have put up with you way too long.

I was blind, but now I see. Amazing Grace has set me free.

Today, September 24, 2013 at 6:08 AM, I am pledging to kick you out at the onset of any thought I have, word I speak, or action I am taking when the Holy Spirit alerts me to your presence in the situation.  I will fight my feelings and my flesh with the Truths in God's Word. I will keep His Word in front of my eyes in these moments, because I believe it is the inspired Word of God. It is a tool and a weapon for all of my needs. It is living and it works all the time, in all situations, for all people.

Just because I don't have all my Scriptures ready to go right now, does not mean I am faltering. If  have to find and write down one a day, I'll do that.

Here's one that comes to mind:

The Bible says, if I resist you, you will flee.  Yes! After a closer look, I see something I had not seen before, and now I am even wiser and stronger in this.

James 4:7-8 NKJV  "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.   Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."

First, it mentions to submit to God. Then, it tells me you will flee when I resist you.
Last, it reminds me that when I draw near to God, He will draw near to me.

Thank you Holy Spirit. In God, there is NO darkness, which confirms in the presence of God, you cannot be found anywhere close.... there is no gray area.... not even the slightest shade of gray.

"This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all." 1 John 1:5 NKJV

Looking deeper into these verses and what the original meaning of the word "submit" means in context.

Interesting that the Greek Word implied a military form of submission.

Also interesting, or a bit funny, to see the verses (using the same word) that speak to the truth that He has already submitted everything under His feet (including me) (1 Corinthians 15:27, Hebrews 2:8). So, here I am thinking I can NOT submit, or that submission will be my choice, when really He has already subdued me whether I like it or not. If I would trust His leadership, and stop being a rebellious daughter, we could accomplish a lot more for the Kingdom and I'd enjoy the journey more... a journey with purpose.

As I am reading the other verses regarding this same submission, I am starting to not like them very much. You know, the ones about wives submitting to their husbands.  I was alerted to the animosity I was feeling toward these, the excuses I wanted to make regarding them, the fear I was feeling that is wrapped up in the "what if's" of me truly obeying God's Word regarding that. No matter how I feel, this whole pledge is to remind me who my true Commander in Chief is and who it is not.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free (not to make us miserable, those fears are from you Satan, and I caught you - now I know what to do...James 4:7-8 - Submit to God and you will flee.)

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage." Galatians 5:1 NKJV

"For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live." Romans 8:13 NKJV   (I think I should meditate and memorize all of Romans 8 - Wow!)
When I set out to write this Pledge, I was visualizing a bullet by bullet list of specific Scriptures I could (we could) print and have on hand - armed and ready to go. But, that's not what has come out - not yet. 
I am going to go ahead and post this "as is". I am hoping the insight into my own personal journey with the Lord (raw and unedited) will be insightful and reveal many blessings to those who read this and who need help hearing the Holy Spirit and using the Word as the Sword (Eph 6:17).
For me, today, I have made a pledge to kick Satan out. That's a huge commitment. Feeding on resisting the devil and knowing that when I do that (by submitting to God, living by the Spirit and not my flesh), he will flee and I will be free in Christ and have life.... that's a lot for day 1.
Grace and Peace.
