You may think suicide is an option that will free you from the pain and misery easily found in this life, but remember this:
1. There is another life after our mortal bodies die. It will either be eternal pain and misery or eternal life, joy, and peace. You are at the mercy of God once you die if you have not made the choice for yourself while you were still living on earth. All who choose Jesus, in this life, will be with Jesus eternally in the next life.
2. Your "freedom" from this life's pain and misery becomes chains that will entangle all who love you and who needed to know that you loved them. These chains could only be broken and they can only be set free by a Savior. If you did not know the Savior, how would you have taught about Him to those (especially your children) who knew you? Therefore, if they do not know the Savior, they too will now be faced with the inescapable pain and misery you ended for yourself and passed along to them.
It is a twisted, evil, thought that starts way before the day it finally decides to take over and win.
If you are in an emergency situation, please call a Suicide Hotline for help.
Suicide is NOT your answer.
It NEVER is.
What you see/hear, you will want to think about
What you think about, you will want to talk about
What you talk about, you will want to do
What you do, you will have consequences
(and often they effect others around you).
(and often they effect others around you).
It starts with what you allow yourself to be exposed to
It grows with what you allow yourself to think about
It gains much momentum when you start talking about it
And it's too late to change, once you have done it
Most people know to take suicide threats serious, but what about the people who never talk about it?
What about the people who just feed on it in the privacy of their own minds?
For those people, I pray that God will put this blog before your eyes.
For my neighbor, I never knew. He never spoke about it. I never could help. His young son will never be able to change it. His dad is gone from his life, and the son is forever in a prison, of living the rest of his life, without him.
But, for you - the one reading this online - the one who somehow found this post (because I believe it will make a difference), I want you to know that the thoughts you are having about taking your own life is pure evil and deception. You are being lied to. And the amazing thing is - You have the power (within you) to turn it all around!
There is a plan for your life.
There is purpose in it.
There are seasons and cycles and things you could never imagine ahead.
There is a Creator, God, who pursues you and a Savior, Jesus Christ, who has offered it all for YOU to have everything you need to enjoy your life here on earth.
If you don't believe me, that is okay.
I know my words are too shallow and insufficient to speak to your heart and soul. But, I personally have been where you may be now.
There were times in my life where I felt complete hopelessness. I felt so alone.
I felt like I could never get out of the pits I seemed to be locked inside.
I believed I was worthless.
I thought about suicide.
I wrote notes to leave behind.
I waited.
I tried.
I prayed.
I cried.
And finally, one day,
I attempted it.
There were times in my life where I felt complete hopelessness. I felt so alone.
I felt like I could never get out of the pits I seemed to be locked inside.
I believed I was worthless.
I thought about suicide.
I wrote notes to leave behind.
I waited.
I tried.
I prayed.
I cried.
And finally, one day,
I attempted it.
By the grace of God, I survived. That was over 20 years ago.
Not something I am proud to shout from the rooftops. Most people in my life will find this out for the first time (if they read my blog). But, God has done too much restoration in my own life for me to keep quiet and not share this with you.
If you don't know what to do - remember this:
The sun rises and the sun sets. Tomorrow will always be a NEW DAY. God's mercies are new every morning!
Some days are sunny, and some days are rainy... but the sun ALWAYS comes back out again, and the rain can be nourishing in the end.
There is a CREATOR and there is a SAVIOR. They are available 24/7 and I believe they will supernaturally meet you and give you a vision for your life, inspiration to press forward in victory, and a peace that passes all understanding.
Open the Bible and start reading. Read until you cannot read anymore. Allow the breath of God's Word to breathe deeply into your soul. INHALE. BE REFRESHED. BE RENEWED.
You have purpose. There is a plan.
It's NOT God's will for you to surrender to the evils of this world but to be victorious over them.
Stop listening to the lies in your head. Tell them to stop by counteracting them with the Truth. Jesus is the way and the Truth and the light. Only His Truth will set you free.
Family and friends have let me down - especially when I have tried to tell them how I feel. When it's too deep, too sad, or too messed up - they often say, "You should talk with a counselor." They might as well slap me in the face.
Counselors have let me down - they either diagnose me with bipolar, or depression, or prescribe medications (which makes me feel worse - the knowledge that I have to be dependent on a manufactured drug to "be/feel normal"?); or they cut me off when the hour is done and schedule me to come the next week and send me home feeling worse.
BUT GOD - HIS WORD - JESUS..... if only I could explain what healing and peace have come from time spent with the LORD and HIS WORD; the confidence and purpose that have been rooted from DOING what the WORD said and seeing results - IT WORKS! There is so much HOPE.
Life can be brutal and painful.
But there is always HOPE in JESUS CHRIST.
5 Things You Can Start Right Away to Avoid Depression and Suicidal Thoughts
- Invite Jesus into your life and situation and grab a Bible and read and do what it says daily (larger doses upfront until you feel more stable, then you can taper off to just 15-60 minutes a day minimum). For example: Phil 4:8 (see below)
- Start walking 10-20 minutes briskly every morning when you wake up/when the sun comes up (this has been proven to improve mental health)
- Go to a completely natural diet (whole foods - nothing processed, minimum to no sugar, etc) as much as you can - chemicals in foods and medicine can really effect your mental state
- Find a doctor/lab where you can check your vitamin and mineral levels (ie. I've heard magnesium can really help if you are battling chronic mental depression).
- Find an accountability partner (ie. counselor) who you can call 24/7 if you find yourself in a downward mental spiral and need your perspective redirected
This list is only a place to start. Seek the Lord for more direction. If you cannot hear His voice, please seek help from a professional counselor (while you continue to seek the Lord).
If you need encouraged or accountability, and you don't know where to turn, and you have contemplated suicide, please feel welcome to Private Message me on Facebook. Fortunate (for our family) and unfortunately (for you), I only check my Facebook account randomly (usually weekly).
I cannot save you.
I cannot give you all the answers for your life.
But I can point you to my Savior who can and who will, if you will seek Him and do what He says.
He has done it for me, and He will do it for you.
He loves you. His grace is for you too. You are part of His design and plan.
He loves you. His grace is for you too. You are part of His design and plan.
If you are in an emergency situation, please call a Suicide Hotline for help.

You can also call this Prayer Line Open 24/7 for someone to pray with you:
Wonder why God would give us this secret to a joyful life?
Finally, brethren, whatever things are
true, whatever things are
noble, whatever things are
just, whatever things are
pure, whatever things are
lovely, whatever things are
of good report, if there is any
virtue and if there is anything
praiseworthy--meditate on
these things. Philippians 4:8 NKJV
true, whatever things are
noble, whatever things are
just, whatever things are
pure, whatever things are
lovely, whatever things are
of good report, if there is any
virtue and if there is anything
praiseworthy--meditate on
these things. Philippians 4:8 NKJV
Check this out:
YOU CAN REWIRE YOUR BRAIN (by the thoughts You entertain)! (In a hurry? Start at 11:00 minutes)
Dr. Caroline Leaf has great research and info to help you.
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